Friday, January 11, 2013

More Chemo hats!

Here are bunch more chemo hats, making a total of 84 donated chemo hats for 2012!  I will try to include links back to the patterns where I can, but I mostly use ravelry.

Here are most of my hats donated in 2012, in my ravelry projects folder.

Here are 42 hats, just donated yesterday! 

Here are the hats with the scarf ties...  I hit up charity shops and friends and family for the scarf donations... PATTERN HERE

The Soft Seed Stitch Hat

Two Slouchy Hats
(sorry, I don't remember where I got the pattern)

The Shallow Seas Beanie

Hat with(out) a Bow

Fourth Avenue Slouchy Hat

Puff Stitch hat
(Very loosely based on THIS PATTERN)

Classy Cloche

Candy Puffs Beanie

10 Skater Beanies

The Durango Hat
(note that the pattern link goes back to the web archive, with no pictures. for pictures, I would try the ravelry page.)

Seed Stitch Chemo Hat
no pattern

Miscellaneous Chemo Sleep Caps with different edgings

Sarah Arnold's Divine Hat

Slouchy Diagonal Chemo Cap

Chemo Cap
I think this is my favorite - though it looks a bit misshapen here, it's not, really.  Fits great!

Now I am off to start the 2013 caps!  I think this year I will shoot for 100 donated hats...